Project Brilliance
Education Programs
We offer a variety of workshops and empowerment seminars through our Project Brilliance program. The activities are ideal for students and musicians who are interested in crossing over from classical music to a study of Jazz and world music styles. Activities range from two-day seminars to one month long projects, culminating with a live performance, jam and interactive empowerment workshop. The director and venue programming director will determine program type, target age, population and activity suitable for their perspective communities.
Please request a package for this special two-day Project Brilliance Webinar .
Firey String Sistas have served as teaching artists & musical directors for the following organizations;
Brighton Heights Youth Orchestra
Noel Pointer String Music Program
Jazz House Kids
Joffrey Ballet Jazz Intensive
New Jersey Symphony CHAMPS
The Drum Collective
Cecily Tyson High School
Stony Brook College
Westport Jazz Masters

Firey String Sistas* Educational Programs * Project Brilliance , 609.388-1580,